In 2013 I had my first magazine feature as a writer published in Southwest Fly Fishing. Its title was The Big-hearted Laramie River and it was inspired by researching the life of Ernest Hemingway. The image above was photographed in Hemingway's writing studio in the tower at his Finca Vigia (Lookout Farm) near Havana, Cuba. Since then I've been carving out more time and attention to the craft and to date, I've written approximately 20 features covering fly fishing, bird hunting, and travel. My encounters have taken me from Cuba to Alaska. Publications include Anglers Journal, The flyfish Journal, The Pointing Dog Journal, American Angler, Big Sky Journal, Tail Fly Fishing, Strung, Southwest Fly Fishing, and Northwest Fly Fishing. Feature about fishing Opening Day in Yellowstone is in the Fly Fish 2023 issue of Big Sky Journal. The spring 2023 issue of Strung has a piece about our bird dog, and the Spring 2023 issue of Anglers Journal has a piece about shark fishing out of a canoe. I hope you can locate the publications and give them a read. I shot the photographs.

Magazine Journalism
Stephen Collector