Big Sky Journal — Winter 2024
©Stephen Collector
A profile of Northern Cheyenne Medicine Woman, Margaret Behan, a.k.a. Red Spider Woman. Story link:
moreQuail Forever Journal — Summer 2024
©Stephen Collector
Desert Quail Finale; Exploring Stephen Bodio's Querencia is a feature I wrote about a desert quail hunt with author, naturalist, and falconer, Stephen Bodio. It graces the Summer issue of the Quail Forever Journal. 2024. (Stefan Wachs shot the opener — I shot most of the rest of the story.)
moreThe Drake Magazine, Fall/Winter 23 feature
©Stephen Collector
My feature story, Famous Potatoes; Road-trip Reflections on Literary Idaho, focuses on the writer, Richard Brautigan. Known for his iconic novel, Trout Fishing in America, my research, which I used as a road map for a fall fishing trip through Idaho, revealed that he was an expert fly angler, in addition to his obvious talents as a poet and wordsmith. Photographer @nickpricephotography shot the opening spread but most of the images are mine. Erik Weber and Michael Abramson also contributed vintage photos.
moreThe Drake Magazine, Summer issue 2023
Stephen Collector
My feature about baseball legend, Ted Williams, Angler: Islamorada's Lost Legacy begins: " Baseball and fishing are not uncommon bedfellows. In our family, they developed into our two sons’ varsity journey and an obsession with fly-fishing. And not coincidentally, they again converged during a stay in the Florida Keys. Which was how I came to be standing on the casting platform of a skiff somewhere in the backcountry out of Islamorada". A two month stay in the Florida Keys allowed me the time to research and connect with the special players who make a piece of history come alive. It also allowed me the opportunity to fish with the legendary hall of fame angler, Stu Apte.
moreAnglers Journal, Spring 2023.
©Stephen Collector
An Epicurean’s Approach; A WILLING CANOE ANGLER IMPARTS A NEW APPRECIATION FOR A WIDER RANGE OF FISH IN THE FLORIDA KEYS, is the name of my article in the First Light section of Anglers Journal. I stumbled upon a retired classics scholar, by the name of John Tulp, in the back country of the Florida Keys who gave me both an education and a novel approach to flats fishing in and around the middle Keys. I would describe John as a world-class angler. He made an ancient Greek philosophy both current and utilitarian while he poled a 16' canoe out on the shallow flats. I landed a hefty lemon shark on a fly and missed a huge one. Our encounter out on a remote flat on Middle Torch Key may have been the highlight of a two month stay. You can view the article at:
moreStrung Magzine, Spring 2023
Stephen Collector
"Stephen Collector's words and photographs have graced our pages in the past, but perhaps never so lovingly as with this story of his Brittany's last hunt. Stephen opens up about coming to terms with uncomfortable truths, both canine and human." wrote editor, Trey Reed about my magazine feature, Finley's Last Hurrah, where I become grudgingly resigned to the fact that my bird dog's career as hunter has come to a heartbreaking end out on the barren plains of eastern Colorado.
moreBig Sky Journal Fly Fishing Issue 2023 Feature Story
Stephen Collector
The Big Sky Journal's 2023 Fly Fishing issue published my feature article, Testing The Waters On Opening Day. It's a piece about fishing the Yellowstone River in Yellowstone National Park with my friend, John Baughman, former director of Wyoming Game and Fish and what we encountered on this local celebration of fishing for wild Yellowstone River Cutthroat trout. I shot the photos. To read the article copy the link: to your web browser.
moreTail Fly Fishing Ten-Year Anniversary Issue
©Stephen Collector
The feature, The Heart of the Keys; A Marathon Journal, was published in the 10-year anniversary issue of Tail Fly Fishing Magazine. We spent two months last winter decamped in Marathon, Florida. This gave me ample opportunities to explore story ideas and make photographs. I'm pleased the editor, Trey Reid chose to use the work I shot in black and white to illustrate the piece. Hope you can check it out in the Sept./Oct. 2022 issue.
moreLegends of Cody
©Stephen Collector
My feature story about Buffalo Bill Cody and Ernest Hemingway just appeared in Strung Magazine, Vol 4, issue3 Summer 2022. I researched the home waters of both celebrities and then fished the region, in some cases with professional guides, to make sure I was in the right spot. I can't say with any conviction how the angling compared, but that wasn't the objective. I did experience at times, excellent fishing. The scenery was truly spectacular. Our Brittany avoided bear encounters, though there was plenty of sign. The magazine located some interesting vintage photography to illustrate some of the feature. Hope you can find a copy.
morePhototalk TV interview
Stephen Collector
Phototalk TV producer, Kent Gunnufson did an interview with me about my book of western stock detectives, Law Of The Range; Portraits of Old-Time Brand Inspectors. It's now live.
Here is the link: (Scroll down until you see my name.)
moreBig Sky Journal Feature — Feb. fishing issue 2022
Stephen Collector
My feature, Three Trips to the Wind, appears in the 2/2022 issue of the Big Sky Journal. The story condenses 30 years into three days and is a memoir of sorts, a story about failure and maybe if I were so lucky, transformation. Check article out on link below
moreAnglers Journal feature, Summer 2019
©Stephen Collector
In 2019 after a call to my editor, Bill Sisson over at Anglers Journal we riffed about story angles for a first time fishing experience in the 49th state. It was Bill who suggested the idea of , Alaska, the First Time, and with that theme in mind I was able to place my story after a 10 day adventure. Here's a link to the feature:
moreSummer 2021 issue of Anglers Journal — FISH HIPPIES
Stephen Collector
"For a brief wrinkle in time, a band of cosmic cowboys from the 70s reveled in a western trout paradise". I wrote and illustrated the feature, a memoir written about a time period between 1977 - 1986 on the North Platte River in southern Wyoming which was about more than just fishing. It was about friendship, innocence, and our great good fortune. Read the article here:
moreMay/June 2021 issue, The Pointing Dog Journal
Stephen Collector
The May/June 2021 issue of The Pointing Dog Journal features a story I wrote and photographed about our rescue dog, Finley—a Brittany Spaniel. I had her professionally trained by Gary Ruppel out in Kiowa, Colorado in 2016 and he worked his magic, in spite of the fact, she was six. This photo was taken south of Holyoke, Colorado.
moreJuly/August 2020 American Angler Feature
Stephen Collector
The July/August issue of American Angler magazine has a feature I wrote and photographed about the noted artist, Russell Chatham. Beyond his considerable talent as a fine artist, it isn't widely known that for a decade he supported himself as a magazine writer and was one of the best of that period. Chatham continued to write articles, and good ones, throughout his career. Several books of his writing appeared nationally, such as The Anglers Coast, Dark Waters, and Silent Seasons, which he re-printed with his monograph, Clark City Press. Regrettably, Russell passed in November 2019 and this is the last issue of American Angler Magazine.
moreMay/June issue of Southwest Fly Fishing
Stephen Collector
My first feature in Southwest Fly Fishing Magazine was about fishing the Big Two-Hearted Laramie River, in southern Wyoming. That feature appeared in the Nov./Dec. 2013 issue. I was inspired to write this story by Ernest Hemingway. For some strange reason I felt 'Papa' would have loved this tea-colored river, that is under the radar as far as national destination trout rivers are concerned. My current feature in the May/June 2020 issue about fishing the upper Eagle River in western Colorado represents the eighth feature I've written and photographed for Southwest Fly Fishing. I've also written for their sister magazine, Northwest Fly Fishing, and photographed a photography feature. John Shewey, my editor gave me my start as a magazine writer, for which I'll be eternally grateful. Long-time ace fishing guide, Duane Redford, pictured here, showed me the lay of the land and how and where he approaches this special Colorado drainage. The upper Eagle River is a stunning watershed with an unusual history. Read the article to find out why.
moreSpring 2020 issue of The flyfish Journal
Stephen Collector
I have a feature I penned and photographed that transpired over thirty years ago in Key West, FL. I was on an assignment with my collaborator pal, Jim Fergus who'd landed a feature assignment for Rolling Stone Magazine. It centered on the writers/artists, Tom McGuane, Jim Harrison, Russell Chatham, and Guy de la Valdene. I would have never imagined that 32 years later I'd be telling the tale from my humble perspective.. Rolling Stone killed Jim's stellar feature, but he was able to place it with Outside Magazine in 1989. Fergus wrote a great story.
moreMagazine Journalism
Stephen Collector
In 2013 I had my first magazine feature as a writer published in Southwest Fly Fishing. Its title was The Big-hearted Laramie River and it was inspired by researching the life of Ernest Hemingway. The image above was photographed in Hemingway's writing studio in the tower at his Finca Vigia (Lookout Farm) near Havana, Cuba. Since then I've been carving out more time and attention to the craft and to date, I've written approximately 20 features covering fly fishing, bird hunting, and travel. My encounters have taken me from Cuba to Alaska. Publications include Anglers Journal, The flyfish Journal, The Pointing Dog Journal, American Angler, Big Sky Journal, Tail Fly Fishing, Strung, Southwest Fly Fishing, and Northwest Fly Fishing. Feature about fishing Opening Day in Yellowstone is in the Fly Fish 2023 issue of Big Sky Journal. The spring 2023 issue of Strung has a piece about our bird dog, and the Spring 2023 issue of Anglers Journal has a piece about shark fishing out of a canoe. I hope you can locate the publications and give them a read. I shot the photographs.